Monday 15 July 2013

Women and the spider problem

Women and the Spider problem

Just look how big and scary those look! it really explains it all. But I really dont know what it is about women and any kind of insect but i could tell you many reasons as to why women hate spiders.Here are some of the following reasons

  • They have 8 legs.
  • Any kind of bug will creep us out ,specially this one!
  • Its almost womens nature.
Lets elaborate on those.Number one, They have 8 legs ans anything small past 2 legs is really scary to us.Anything creepy crawly will scare the crap outta us. For example, picture this.. It was christmas time and my mother was wrapping some gifts for a friend of hers. And then suddenly a huge , i mean huge spider came past us. One of those big drain spiders that u only see in the bath tub was walking by our living room floor. Being my mom she screamed and decides that crippling the spider was better than just squashing it and killing it, She used her all mighty scissors and cut 2 of its legs off! now not only was it still trying to move it was limping until i finally got rid of it myself. Lesson learnt that i put it out of its misery. But the fear fact of knowing that There are really over 40,000 different kinds of spiders in the world would scare anyone!

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